Friday, October 23, 2009

Fall Festival

This morning the girls had their annual Fall Festival at 'school' (our church's Mother's Day Out), so they got suited up in their costumes and were ready for some fun...

Cate's class went at 9:00, so I was able to go with her and then wait around until it was time for Towns and her class to have their turn. We are really blessed this year with fabulous teachers, and I'm afraid we're a little spoiled by it. Towns' pre-k 4 class is phenomenal. She has already learned so much, and is coming home speaking in different languages! She's even teaching Bethany about the color wheel and what colors to mix to make other colors, right B?! And Cate's class is pretty much like personal nanny service because there are only two other children in with her. Her teachers love on them all morning long and are simply the best. Cate goes to bed at night asking if she gets to see Mrs. Judy and Mrs. Irene the next morning! The girls couldn't be happier which means I couldn't be happier!
Cate and her friends Brock and Ella couldn't decide what to do first...

Naturally, the only good choice is to go straight for the candy!

Next, she picked out a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch which was really 'hebby' so she asked me to carry it for her...

These two were as happy as pigs in the mud (pun intended) once the sugar high kicked in...

Both of them would survive on candy alone if they were allowed, and usually they are!

The child wouldn't lose the sucker long enough for picture taking!
The 4 year olds spiced up the Fall Festival big time. They're a lot louder, wilder, and a ton of fun to watch!

The day was way more special since Daddy got to come...

He quite possibly was the biggest kid there! He had the all the kids rolling over huge balls head first...never a dull moment! That's why we love him!

After the fun, the class had a pizza and popcorn party since P was the letter of the week. I couldn't resist this picture with Towns' little legs crossed like she's a mini adult...

She's getting so growny and it's killing me! This morning when I asked her if I could join her at Fall Festival she literally hesitated for 30 seconds, and the look on my face must have gotten to her because she finally said 'sure, I guess you can come.' Ahhh! Breaking my heart!! And bring on the tears once I realized this morning that this was her last Fall Festival at the year she'll be in Kindergarten. Suggestions welcome on how to freeze time!
Happy weekend!
B and I are headed to see Miley Cyrus in concert hands are up 'cause they're playing my song! Can't wait!!!


  1. AHHHH, their costumes are precious! I can't get over Cate's! So so cute! I'm with you on the freezing time thing - seems like just yesterday I was putting on B's very first costume (a daisy cow). :) I told B this morning to call me when Miley plays that song so I could listen to it live - I love it! I know y'all will have a blast!

  2. Cutest little bumble bee and piglet I've ever seen, hands down! Love yall!

  3. Those are THE cutest costumes! Where do you find your costumes? They're always adorable! Can't wait to read your post from the Miley concert...

  4. Cate and Blair have the SAME costume!! I wish they were going to be together so we could get a picture of them!!

  5. Precious costumes! I can't wait to see your Miley pictures. I took my step-daughter Friday night and just finished uploading all the pics I took. It was so much fun!
