Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bragging Rights

You'll have to give me a free pass on this post. I try not to (excessively) brag on my children. I love them and think every move they make and everything they say is the greatest thing on Earth, but I realize that most other people don't. And since Bethany technically isn't mine, although I love her like my own, I think I can get away with it just this one. Deal?
Not only is she the best daughter anyone could ever ask for...

She's hands down the best step-daughter a girl could dream of...

She's also the most fabulous sister in the world to our girls...

Rarely does she ever come home from a shopping trip without a treat of some sort for them that she's bought with her own money, because she's just that thoughtful...

She plays with them with a smile on her face even though there are probably a hundred other things she'd rather be doing...

All those qualities make her such a precious person. We may be a tad bit biased, but we've always known that she's pretty special. She's been with us for almost a year now, and in a year she's consistently made all A's which is nothing new for her. But coming into a new school and being in all advanced classes is a challenge. She brought home her report card last Friday and her lowest grade was a 96!

And after being at her school for just five months, she tried out for cheerleader and was one of only two new girls to make the squad. Just wait. It gets better.

She was sick yesterday and home from school (that's not the part that's good), and yesterday afternoon several cheerleaders called after practice to tell her that they'd voted on captains for basketball season and SHE'S THE NEW CAPTAIN OF HER SQUAD!! The cheerleaders vote on who they think would be the best for the job, and then the cheer coaches make the final decision. Absolutely amazing. She's one in a million.

The bragging is almost over, but I have one more thing to say really loud....


  1. Congrats to Bethany! That's great news!!

  2. I couldn't have said it better myself - except to add that she's the best Sissy to her brothers too! :) Thanks for all you do!

  3. I so thought about B and the boys when I was doing this post and wish I had a picture of her with them!

  4. Congrats Bethany!!!! What an accomplishment.
