Friday, October 16, 2009

Pink is the New Black

Meet Pink...

She's the newest member of the family! Actually, she's been with us for a few weeks. But since I'm rather behind, we'll pretend that she's brand new. She's a puppy and we're having fun with her, but soon she'll start training with Jonathan to be a hunting retriever and work the field trail circuit. At that point, she becomes less of the family pet and more of J's project. But that's perfectly fine with me because she's torn our house to shreds, and I'm ready for her to be outdoors and in her element! Pink replaces Rip, the black lab we had until about a month ago. J received a phone call from a company in South Carolina contracted by the government looking to buy trained labs. Why you might ask? They train labs to find roadside bombs in Iraq. When they detect one, they lay down to signal a robot to go in and disarm it. Pretty neat stuff. It's the one and only reason we let him go...hopefully he'll be saving lives!
Back to Pink. Her name isn't overly original, but that's what you get when the girls are in charge of picking a name! We knew she'd be called Pink, but she had to have a real name (longer than just one word) for field trial purposes. Everyone gave me the job of coming up with it...lucky me. I can't be creative on the spot, and after thinking and thinking, it finally came to me. She's officially Pink is the New Black!
She instantly made herself right at home...
(Cate gave her one of her dolls!)

Before I go any further, I have to be completely honest. Don't hurl something at me through the computer, but I'm not the biggest dog person you'll ever meet. It's not that I dislike dogs. But if given the choice of having a dog, I'd probably choose not to. Maybe if I didn't have a thousand things on my plate I'd be more open to it and would enjoy it more. But I have 4 other people in my house that demand most all of my attention, and what's left over is consumed by Smitten. So if you do the math, I just can't take on anything else that requires a lot from me. And that's exactly what Pink does. But I try really hard to be patient and remind myself that this is J's passion and he has a true talent for it. There aren't many people who can train a field trial dog themselves. Most people send them to professional trainers. So the fact that J can do it and loves it all the while makes me force a smile while cleaning up after the little black devil. Towns likes her for about 5 minutes out of the day and spends the remainder of the time screaming any time Pink even thinks about coming within a 10 foot radius. Bethany loves her until she gets in her room and drags all of her stuff out and chews on it. And then there's Cate. Pink and Cate became fast friends and get along famously. You'd think after being pulled around by the neck and tail and everything else, Pink would steer clear of Cate. Nope. She keeps going back for more!

Please notice the look on Pink's face in the picture above! She's silently screaming HELP ME, WOMAN!!

Poor Pink!
These pictures are from the day we got her...

Pink's taken up a lot of our time and attention lately, but there's still time for pumpkins...

And for football games...

And let's not forget about making sure we have lots of time to get into this while Mommy isn't looking...

At least Cate's got good taste...she's quite fond of Chanel! And apparently, she was really into the Smashbox Photo Op concealer. As you can tell from this picture, she doesn't let pride get in the way when sporting a little Jane and Revlon, too...

The look says it all! She's so incredibly mischievous...but I love that girl like no other!!
And check out what came in the mail the other day...

A box full of treats from Aunt Jenn!
You made our day!!


  1. My nephews named their yellow lab Pinkie....guess it's the hot new name for labs!

  2. TT, Cate looks just like you in the make-up picture. You do happen to stay in between the lines though! HA!

  3. Oh my goodness, I love a black lab...if Jack and Lucy would not completely disown me for allowing a puppy into their world, I would so steal her...probably AFTER J trains her though!!!

  4. Nate was cute all of about two weeks - then came the chewing... and he's STILL chewing. :) The picture of Cate in the makeup is precious! She cracks me up.
