Monday, October 5, 2009

I Heart Weekends

Do you ever have one of those weekends where you just don't want it to end? That's what ours was, but if I'm being totally honest I never want any weekend to end! Friday afternoon Jonathan called and told me to get the girls dressed because he'd found a perfect place to play. That always makes me a little nervous because with him, you never know where you'll end up and what you'll be getting into. But one thing you can count'll be fun. He picked us all up and drove us to the wildlife management area where he'd found rows upon rows of hay bales just waiting to be jumped on!

In ballet flats, no less...

If you know my crew, you know jumping wasn't quite dangerous enough...

It's not a party unless you set out to break your neck!

The girls and I had lots of laughs watching Jonathan and Bethany flipping all over the place...

We had a little red-headed chauffeur to take us on a few dirt roads...shhh, don't tell anyone!

I'm kidding, Dad. Don't have a coronary just yet! She only sat like that for a few minutes while we were getting ready to leave.

Saturday morning B had the Red Ribbon March in downtown Decatur and the weather couldn't have been more perfect! She had a gallery waiting for her to come marching by in the parade...

And here she is!

We even saw Jess which made my day!

After the parade, there was a big competition and she and the cheerleaders won first place in their group! They did the 'I Wear My Sunglasses at Night' dance, naturally my personal fave! I'm not sure which was more entertaining...watching the dance or watching the judges! They were really getting into it!!
This is the beginning of the dance during that part where it's just music...

And then comes the part where they break it down...which is the part where the crowd goes wild!

B in action...

And the final pose...

LOVE IT!!!!! I would pay money to be out there! :)
After the cheerleaders performed, a high school group did a dance to Michael Jackson's Thriller which got Cate up and moving...

She copied every move the group did. The irony: Michael Jackson blaring through the speakers at a drug free rally! HA!
The girls were extremely excited to see their Bebby after it was over, and they were all glued to each other on the way to the car...

J & Towns are always laughing about something...

Saturday night we took the girls to the fair which led Towns to declare October 3rd as 'definitely the best day ever'!

Of course, the motorcycles were the first stop...

Later, Mom!

Towns rode her first little roller coaster and loved it. In this picture she's telling the girl beside her that it's going to be sooo much fun!

B & I rode the big treasure ship ride that makes you totally lose your stomach. That one took me back! Then she & J rode the Gravitron which really took me back!

Towns loved the big slide...she went up all by herself!

And was one happy chick on the way down...

Cate, however, was not so happy that her sister got to slide and she didn't because she wasn't tall enough.

But then she found this train and all was well!

When we got home these 3 were majorly loving each other...

Ahhh! I could squeeze 'em to pieces!!

After the love fest, we put Cate to bed and Bethany and Towns fell asleep watching a movie.
J started a fire (because you know in the south the second it dips below 60 you've got to have a fire!) and we watched the Auburn game right by ourselves. Sunday morning the fam went to church and to lunch at Panera, and we were lazy the rest of the rainy afternoon. And that, my friends, was the end to the best weekend ever!



  1. That gets me more excited than I already am about the fair coming here - can't wait for those funnel cakes! Loved this post!

  2. What a fun weekend! Yall are too cute! Miss yall!
