Friday, December 11, 2009

Santa's Village or Bust!

Last night we were in the mood to do something Christmas-y, so we headed to Huntsville for dinner at Mellow Mushroom and a trip to Santa's Village. Given the fact that it was below 30 degrees and we didn't realize that most of Santa's Village was outside (translation: we were unprepared), we were in and out in less than an hour!
B was oh-so-thrilled about going (as most teenagers would be). But the girls were ecstatic about it...if you didn't remind them that Santa was actually going to be there! They're terrified of him for some reason, and both nearly came unglued at the thought of having to sit in his lap. We didn't push the issue. One day they'll come around!

Not quite tall enough for this one...

Towns loved pretending she was Santa...

And she wouldn't let Cate sit in the front with her. She stuck her in the back and told her that she could be a reindeer, even though that's not really where reindeer go...

Can you find Bethany and Towns in the Christmas tree?

I need someone to give me a class in picture-taking for Christmas. I tried to get a picture of the reindeer, and got mostly the fence instead...

Can I get an A for effort?

The girls got to write their letters to Santa at one of the indoor stops...we let them take their dear sweet time so we could thaw out! That's why I didn't mind letting Towns spell out her entire name which took all of 5 minutes to write. She took it upon herself to check the 'nice' box and I couldn't really disagree with that one. Bethany checked both boxes on Cate's letter! They dropped their letters in an elf's bag that was ever so patiently waiting on Towns to finish, only for me to chase the elf down and ask for the letter back so I could keep it.
Bethany called me crazy. I call it sentimental! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love that B checked both on Cate's! Too funny! I think she and Reid would make for an interesting pair. And I'm with you on saving that kind of stuff. Everything Grant has brought home - and I mean everything - since the first day of school is in a box. I did the same with B when she was in Kindergarten. It's neat to look back on it.
