Monday, December 14, 2009

I Bit the Bullet...

I did it.
I cut Cate's mullet.
I didn't know I had it in me, but I did.
Thursday morning Towns asked me if I'd cut her hair, and once I got started on it Cate couldn't wait to have her turn. I took it as a sign that it needed to be done. Towns has never had a real hair cut - I've always cut it myself. And I've always done it while Cate was asleep because I didn't want her catching on to how the whole thing works. I know without a doubt she'll be my child who takes the scissors to her hair. It's just a matter of time. I've already mentally prepared myself. I never had to worry about that with Towns, but Cate is a completely different story. She waited somewhat patiently to hop on the stool, and once I started on her she asked 'you beauty shopping me, Mommy?' about fifty times. Towns and I laughed hysterically every single time. She couldn't be still for trying to see what I was doing back there...

I'm happy to report that she's not rocking a mull anymore! I believe it's still long enough for 'ponky tails', and that was her Daddy's one request.

We played around all weekend long...

And Sunday after church I just so happened to have my camera on hand to get pictures of the girls doing what they do best.
Putting on a show (for everyone in the church parking lot)...

Towns is singing her heart out in this one, and Cate's the back up dancer (living her Mother's dream)...

Pretend microphone in hand...

Raise your hand if you're excited that Christmas is in less than two weeks...

We are!!
And speaking of Christmas, this morning on the way home from taking Bethany to school Cate informed me that baby Jesus was born in Birmingham.
Bethlehem...Birmingham...I can see how it can be confusing.
But she wasn't backing off the fact that she knew she was right about knowing exactly where He was born! Leave it to Cate to come up with her own version of the Christmas story...


  1. What on EARTH would make you think that, Sixty?? I'm ready to see you...I can hear you saying those words just like you were sitting right here with me! It won't be long, though!! And I can't wait!!!!!!!

  2. Before I ready Tara's comment, I was about to type, "you CANNOT deny these children"! ha!

  3. Look who's commenting!!! It's so peaceful here without you! JUST KIDDING! (: You are going to be gone FOREVER! What am I going to do without you? The real question is, what are you going to do about me? Hold back those tears, I will see you soon! (: The bad thing is, the whole thing doesn't start for another 3 hours! BUNK! I updated my blog again! I am on a roll!
