Monday, January 25, 2010

Never a Dull Moment!

Last Thursday morning, Buggy woke up with crazy bed head and had to be put straight in the bath to tame it down. Nothing too eventful, of course, but just so you can see what a clown she is...

She's just like her Daddy and I love it!
That afternoon Towns and her friend Emma exhibited some major sharing...

One pair of skates, two little girls!
What to do?

They came up with that one on their own!
Right about that time J brought Bethany home from school in a bright red Mustang convertible that he drove home from work. She flew in the door proclaiming that it was the worst day of her life because she was beyond embarrassed from him picking her up in that car! :)
But these three weren't embarrassed in the least...

We took them for a spin around the block. And when we got right in front of the house, we let them stand up and pretend they were in a parade. They were waving their hearts out!
When it was time for J to go back to work they were not happy campers! Cate went straight to Bethany to cry on her shoulder for a while. B gave her lots of love which made it all better! That, and the fact that we told her we'd take her to the Mex (Mexican restaurant down the street) and Bethany's basketball game shortly after.
Sometimes (ok, most of the time) I feel like a traveling circus when we go anywhere. Thursday night at Bethany's ballgame was no different. I purposely sat at the very top of the bleachers so that we wouldn't be in anyone's way. Turns out it didn't really matter. We were just as much of a spectacle as we always are!!
During one 8th grade girls basketball game (which doesn't last very long) we:
-took 2 baby dolls, 1 Care Bear, 3 purses and 3 diaper bags into the gym with us
-Got 3 Gatorades, 2 waters and 3 boxes of popcorn
-spilled most of it on the bleachers
-the orange Gatorade ended up all over this man's pants in the background...

-made 2 trips to the little ladies' room
-during one of the trips Cate's high heels she was wearing (forgot to bring her more shoes - those were what she wore to the car so that's all we had - mother of the year) failed her because she refused to hold my hand going down the stairs and it resulted in a busted lip and skin coming off of her chin
-while I was dealing with that Towns and Emma were standing right in front of the coaches making them unable to see their basketball players on the court
-it was unusually quiet while this was going on so all you can hear is Cate screaming
-and you can also hear Bethany yelling to me from where she was cheering to get Towns and Emma immediately because they are 'all up in the way'
-I'm trying to find somewhere to dig a hole and crawl in
-oh wait, I can't. I'm supposed to be in charge.
-just when I thought it was almost over and I could finally get everyone to the car, the game went into overtime.
....and these are the days of our lives!
But as crazy as it all is, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. It's my life and it's insane most of the time, but I'm thankful I'm never bored!!!
And you have to admit these girls are pretty cute which totally makes up for it...

B, just be thankful you didn't have to sit with us! But on the flip side, everyone does know you belong to us so you can't escape it that easy! HA!!


  1. I must number these:

    1. Those pictures of Cate are beautiful - bead head and all! It's crazy how she can look just like you in one picture and just like her daddy in another. I'm lovin' me some Cate Bug! She's my buddy. We're tight! HA! I feel like I've conquered the world having her wanting to talk to me on the phone and come to my house. :)

    2. The craziness at the game made me laugh out loud because I can see it all happening, especially B saying they were "all up in the way." Hilarious!

    3. Wownsy is one sweet little girl! I'm a bit smitten! I know I keep saying it but she really reminds me a lot of B. But with a little more sass - but that's what I love!

    Great post!

  2. This is awesome, I'm laughing hysterically...with you of course! I think I might send you an OOC count-down calendar! You need it, girl!! Mommy breaks are ok every now and then!! xoxo And Cate's bedhead is priceless, I'm right there with her--every stinkin' morning!

  3. The pictures of Cate's bedhead are great! I love the description of the game, oh what I would give to be there and just watch all you girls in action! Love you!
