Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'm Easily Entertained...

The other day while I was waiting for B at the orthodontist, I randomly started looking at the pictures on my phone. Have you ever done that? I highly suggest it if you need a laugh because it can be really entertaining if you have a little time to kill...
Exhibit A:

B and I being complete lunatics in the TJ Maxx dressing room sometime last summer. You'd think we have no life! If you click on the pic to make it bigger, you can see B making a halo above her head. Hope lightening doesn't strike! I'm only kidding! :)

These are from last summer, too. The girls and I met roommate (Anna Kate) and little miss Katherine for lunch in Birmingham, and Cate wanted Katherine to love on her so badly! Towns wanted the same thing, but was a little more gentle in showing it. After lunch AK and I wanted a picture together, but since we were the only two adults present I asked Towns to try and take the picture. This is how it turned out...

AK is in position, I'm walking back to stand with her after giving Towns her instructions, and Cate has hit the jackpot because she's got Katherine all to herself while no one is looking!
These next ones are just from this week alone...
Towns entertained Cate by dressing her up while I was finishing up some work...

Cute B showing me what was in the Valentine's treat box her mom sent...

Cate loves pockets. But she only puts her right hand in her pocket, and it's always the back pocket instead of the front. She was doing it the other day as we were leaving the post office, so I asked her to let me take a picture and she cheerfully obliged...

Yesterday we ventured out bright and early. We went to see this big guy...

Where we got fun stick on earrings (that had to cost all of $.03) with the $10 in tokens it took to 'buy' them with the tickets we won. Towns' earrings fell off yesterday and were lost, which wasn't pretty. Cate lost one of hers, too. But she still has one that she refuses to take off and this is how she went to school this morning...

I tried to tell her she looked like a pirate, but she didn't know what I was talking about nor did she care...

One last camera phone pic...

B and I were accidental twins the other day and didn't realize it until after we got out of the car and were on the way inside the orthodontist office. Too late to fix it! Great minds think alike...right Bebs?! I promise not to do that again!!
Last night, B and I made a late night run to Target where I found these...

They're tiny...just the perfect amount!
What you don't want to see is this...

B's always said that her idea of a perfect night at home (where she'd feel like such a celebrity) would be sitting on the couch and eating Ben & Jerry's right out of the tub, so I couldn't not buy them once I spotted them. You can check that one off your list, B...

It was g-o-o-d!

1 comment:

  1. I am laughing so hard at those pics from last summer! SO typical of my life :) Please let me know when we can do it again, K can keep up with the big girls now!
