Monday, March 1, 2010

Mountain Mamas

Where to begin? I guess a good place to begin is where it all started...
I was fortunate enough to make fabulous friends in college. Friends that stuck with me even though they'd probably rather have chosen not to - you know what they say about hindsight! :) It's one of those things where you know that no matter what, through thick and thin, we're always there. And even after almost 8 years of being out of Auburn, we still get together once a year for some good laughs and a great time. We laugh, we've been known to cry, we act like we're teenagers again, and my favorite part about it is that when we get together it's like we've never been apart. We pick up right where we left off . And it seems like every reunion we have is way too short!
We draw every year to see which one of us will host it next, and it was Sixty's turn this year. She suggested that we opt out of our routine spring gathering and do cold weather for a change. So we headed to the mountains of north Georgia! She was right on target because our weekend was full of relaxing in the hot tub, sitting around a campfire, eating until we were miserable, and then dancing and laughing it all off...and it couldn't have been any better!
This was our hide away for the weekend...
And for some reason, bears were the topic of discussion a lot over the weekend...

Maybe it all started when Jenn went through the 4 inch binder full of cabin information and discovered that bears are a threat when you're staying in the mountains...

We were careful not to drop so much as a crumb of food anywhere all weekend long, and we bear sightings! Jenn was packing heat all weekend just in case, though!
Before I left Friday morning, Towns helped me get some goodies together for the girls...

T-shirts and a soundtrack for the weekend!

Towns was pretty excited that she got to help get everything ready for the trip...she even packed my bag! This time last year Team OOC were the ones getting a little something ready for her because her birthday party was that same weekend...

They baked and iced all the party cupcakes for me...ahhh, true friends! :)

We lived in these all weekend long...

And ate these that a certain expectant mama brought (who shall remain nameless)...
Are those not the cutest things you've ever seen?! We had no problem putting them away!
Friday when we all arrived, we posed for a group shot. We knew it was the last time we'd be wearing make-up all weekend so we had to capitalize on the opportunity...

We had a fabulous dinner courtesy of Anna Kate and 61, and then it was time to draw for our 2011 destination...

Blazer won! I'm already counting down the days!
Saturday morning Ginny made us a breakfast of champions and then we headed outdoors for a campfire. Who knew we had Girl Scouts in the group? We didn't have those in Andy, right girls? HA! Jenn and 61 got it going and we ate s'mores and Jess' spinach dip until we couldn't see straight...

61 did a lot of this throughout the weekend...
It takes major talent to work the lens in order to get those group shots...
And there were plenty of them...but I love it!
We headed inside to thaw out and after some lounging around, we hit the hot tub until sundown...
Blazer made fabulous taco soup for dinner, and I think we'd all reached our limit after Jenn's homemade apple dumplings! To die for!! I need to run a marathon after all the calories consumed over the weekend...
You're the hostess with the mostest, Sixty...we had a blast!
OOC 2011 can't get here soon enough!!


  1. GREAT post! There were no REAL bears but there were 8 OOC Bears eating all the food that was there!!

  2. I won't tell our hot tub secret if you won't! LOL!

  3. Love every minute of it! Let's go back!!

  4. I am still sore from our dance party!! I can't do it like we used to anymore, ha! Thanks for the awesome shirt and CD :)

  5. I know I'm not an official member of the OOC group, but can y'all adopt me so I can have one of those super-cute shirts??!! And I LOVED the bop-line pic!!!!

  6. It's all OOC! Don't you want to include auntie EZ next time? I'm dying. I want to see the outtakes and I want to know who is EXPECTING! Yall are so fun. Love you ALL EACH AND EVERYONE!!!

  7. I definitely want to join in on the fun!!! I'm always up for a partay that involves dancing. :)

  8. Now THAT looks like a fun weekend!

    P.S. I would like a copy of the CD because I know it's a goodie! :)

  9. Great job TT on the post and especially on the T-shirts this year! You really out did yourself. Love you lots!
