Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Boot Camp

The girls have been a little rowdy lately. Their listeners aren't operating at full capacity. I love them no less because of this, but we've got to get a handle on it. Quick!
I like to think it's got a lot to do with the fact that we've been cooped up for months and we're all a little out of sorts.
Sounds good...right?

Yesterday we went for a late afternoon walk which seemed like as good a time as any to get them straightened out. It probably struck me as an opportune time because I asked Cate not to walk in the road and this is the face she gave me...

Right before she did this...

That would be her and her silly little self right where I asked her not to go.
Towns usually does what she's told, and we're working on being obedient with a happy heart. Which means having a smile on your face and not stomping your feet when asked to do something...

But after yesterday this is what they gave me without me even asking...

Now if I could only keep them walking that kind of line we'd be in good shape! No one ever said parenting was easy, but I sure do love it...and everything that comes with it!


  1. I really do thinks girls come with ATTITUDE! Can I send Mackenzie to your Boot Camp?!?! ; )

  2. we use the "happy heart" term along with some hopeful "kind words" too...some days are just harder than others...love all your posts lately, I just got to catch up:)..can't wait to see our little lions in ACTION tomm. night!

  3. Please tell me you're framing that first picture of Cate!!!!!! That sums up her personality, doesn't it! :)
