Monday, March 8, 2010

Sunshine + Friends = Happy Children!

It's been way too pretty to be indoors. Just call me Meteorologist McClendon as much as I talk about the weather...but I just can't help it! It's been a long winter, and we can only do so much inside before we're all stir crazy. We absolutely cannot wait another second for warmer weather to be a permanent fixture, so we've been fully enjoying it before it turns cool again!

Saturday my Dad's baseball team was playing in Childersburg...and it was a great day for America's favorite past time!

Sunday after church and lunch, all five of us hit the trampoline for what seemed like hours. We're a pretty competitive bunch, and when Towns told me the other day that my back handspring wasn't as good as Bethany's that was all she wrote. Bring on the contest!
And B won...naturally.
I'll chalk my loss up to being almost 30 years old.
I just can't do it like I used to!
Lesson learned.

Today the girls were overly excited when we pulled up to school and their good friends parked right beside us. I just so happened to have my camera...

This bunch can't get enough of each other!
So when Lila called mid-morning and asked if we wanted to do a picnic and the park after school, I knew we'd be in...

Cate and Ella had to have matching pacifiers...

They're a mess together!

We're soaking up the sun while we can...and can't wait for it to hang around for a while!


  1. We're soaking it up too and loving every minute of it. Around here, Sunshine=Happy Mama so we're all ready for it to stay a while! :)

  2. Sunshine just seems to make everyone happier!
