Thursday, March 4, 2010

To the Library We Go...

Yesterday I decided that since it's still frigid outdoors (but at least it was sunny!) we needed something fun to do that got us out of the house, but something that wouldn't freeze us to death. I knew going into it that the place I picked to take the girls could potentially be a major disaster.
The library.
You'd think I'd know better than to take our children somewhere where being quiet is pretty much mandatory. But I went in with a positive attitude and told myself that Cate (she was the one I was worried about) was going to be great.
And guess what...she was!
The girls were super excited about doing something new and different - to them it was new because it's been forever since we've gone. There's just something about going to the library that takes me back. I remember going to the library in Andalusia during the summers. It was such a neat, cozy place. Ahhh, memories!
They couldn't wait to get inside...

My little bookworms...

Cate can only sit still for so long and then she's got to see what else she can get into...

They found this to play with...

And I was impressed that Towns improvised in the letter-making department since there was no W for her name. Nothing that a V and an upside down 7 can't fix!
Cate tackled her name with a little help from her big sister...

Even though Towns already knew how to spell Cate's name, she let Cate tell her what letters went in her name so that she could find them for her. Gotta love that teamwork!
But Buggy was way more into making a train out of the letters than having a Spelling Bee with Towns...

She was pretty proud of herself!
We found 2 movies to check out - Peter Cottontail & The Doodlebops (or The Noodlebops according to Cate) - and each found a book...

Thought the book choices were very fitting...

Can you guess who chose which book?
Towns is obsessed with holidays, so you know she picked the Easter book. And we'll be reading Cate's book to her 10 times a day! HA! She is what she is and I love her for it! :)

Towns is in the childrens musical at church next week, and this past Wednesday night was dress rehearsal. Without giving too much away I have to show you how cute these little lions are...

Can't wait for the big performance Wednesday night!

Oh, and have I mentioned that we registered her for Kindergarten Monday morning? Talk about one emotional mama. Of course, she was all smiles and can't wait...

She would have gone last year if given the opportunity!

I promise I'm almost done, but these are too funny not to share!
Let it never be said that my children don't know how to cut a rug...

Wait for it...
And here you go. My favorite part of the impromptu dance session...

One last one...
Meet the new spokeswoman for Target and Starbie's!

She loves it because she thinks the whipped cream is icing!
What am I going to do with her?!

Where's Bethany, you ask? She's busy being a teenager and I miss her! HA! She's very much into her friends and all that goes along with that these days. And she just got voted "Most Likely to Become a Fashion Designer" at school. Now that's something to be proud of in my opinion!


  1. OH, The Easter Egg Artists, I remember that book! Gosh, I feel old!
    And just seeing Towns and Cate shake those butts....wait, didnt I just see another redhead do that same thing last weekend.....hmmm....

  2. How cute is that "Proper little lady" book?!?!? It looks precious from the cover & think I might have to check that one out for my Kenzie~boo! We love the library here, too, but sometimes get some "Shhhh" looks along the way! ; )

  3. A few thoughts:

    (1) I told you Cate Bug might surprise you! ;)

    (2) I'm quite impressed Cate knows the letters in her name.

    (3) The Doodlebops - AHHHHH - I like the Doodlebops about as much as you like Sponge Bob.

    (4) Where oh where could Wownsy get her obsession with holidays? I can't imagine. :)

    (5) The picture of them gettin' down is heelarious!!
