Thursday, August 19, 2010

Picture This...

Cate and I went into Old Navy yesterday trying to pass the time until we could pick up Towns. She's always been particularly interested in the dog mannequin that's at the front of the store. More specifically, she likes to sit on it and pretend it's a horse. But yesterday something else caught her eye...

A girl just her size! She asked me to take a "pitcha" (picture) of the two of them. I told her I didn't have my camera - I really didn't have it with me and I was also trying to get her away from there. That was a disaster waiting to happen. She wasn't buying it. She asked me to take one with my phone since I didn't have my camera. So I did, and as I'm trying to get her to take her hands off of her new friend, she knocked her over which made a horribly loud noise. As I was trying to (unsuccessfully) get the thing back on its stand with Cate wanting to help, she knocked the girl's head off. This was a problem on several different levels. First, it sends my two year old into hysterics having just witnessed a decapitation. Second, in all the commotion we accidentally kicked the girl's head which went rolling under the check out counter where at least 83 people were standing in line. I mean, can you imagine?! The joys of raising a child like my Cate Bug are immeasurable! And things like this happen on a daily basis. I just don't tell you about them all because you'd be way too envious of how easy I have it...


  1. So funny!! You have a great blog. I have enjoyed your Kindergarten posts, too. :)

  2. OMG I just laughed out loud picturing that! I love Cate stories! :)

  3. Once again Juvy doesn't disappoint. I can just "pitcha" the whole thing happening! Heelarious!
