Monday, December 6, 2010

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

Call us crazy, but we took the annual family trip to pick out our Christmas tree the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. We had a packed week ahead and felt that if we didn't go ahead and do it, it would be December and we still wouldn't have a tree up. That's a major no-no at our house!
Obviously stripes and boots were a requirement in order to set out in search of the perfect tree...The measuring tape was key because last year we got one that was a bit too tall...
Bebs helped Towns check out the top of the tree to make sure it was just right...
It didn't take us long to find one...
So we spent the rest of the time putting the camera to good use while J paid the bill...
Towns was mainly in charge of lights this year. It was a first for her and she passed the test...I'll gladly hand over that duty because I'm such a perfectionist about it that I end up with a headache while trying to get them just right!
We've got a silver tree in the kitchen that's pretty sparkly. Towns and Cate insisted that it have sparkly ornaments and a sparkly bow at the top. See a trend here? We do love to glitter things up as much as humanly possible...B spent the night with a friend the night we put the lights on the big tree so we went no further than that. We waited until she got home the next day to let her help decorate it...
Don't you just love the neon star on top of our tree? :)
The children are behind that all the way!
Bebby and Towns worked oh so hard and were in need of rest on the couch halfway through it...Do you sense the sarcasm? :)
Once it was all decorated, Cate crawled under the tree and proceeded to cover herself up with the tree skirt. She fully planned on sleeping underneath it that night...
The other day Towns came home from school asking if we had an elf that would come this Christmas. I told her that that just might be the case, but that I'd gotten word it wouldn't show up until December 1st. So last Wednesday morning she was bright-eyed at about 6 a.m. wanting to know if the elf had come. She and Cate looked and looked. Finally, they found this mess in front of the Christmas tree...
Who could have pulled out every fancy ballet flat the girls own and left them in a pile on the floor?! Usually I'd have two answers...
1. Towns
2. Cate
But they weren't behind the mess this time! Towns knew immediately it was the work of a mischievous elf so she tried to find her... Enter Mirabelle...She left a note explaining that she was sorry for the mess, but she really liked the girls' shoes and tried her hardest to find a pair that fit. No luck, though!
She's shown up in some silly places so far. Like the fridge...because she missed the North Pole and our warmer temps in Alabama were too much for her to handle!

One more thing while I'm at it...
Couldn't resist showing you what Jess made us for Christmas!
Love it? We do!
Merry, merry!


  1. Those lights on your tree take me back. My mom used to have those. I love them.

    Mirabelle is so much cuter than our Elf on the Shelf elf. I mean, we love Jasper but he's quite generic. Maybe Jasper needs a friend. :) The first thing the boys do when they wake up every morning is look for him. So fun!

  2. Mirabelle came from Hallmark and her name came from a shirt order I received (I thought it was too cute). Towns has a hard time figuring out how a real elf can be stuffed, though. The only way I could explain it was that it was like Barney - stuffed when people are around and it comes to life when they're not. So be prepared for that one! :)

  3. I hate putting lights on the tree! It drives me NUTS!! I can't wait for you to share all your elf tricks with me next year! This year ours stayed in the box ;)
