Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Marey Crismis

That little greeting is from Towns. She's learning so much so fast, and it's neat seeing how she spells by sounding out her words. She made me this Christmas card yesterday with a snowman and a pig - I love it so much that I don't even ask questions...
The other night she got situated at her desk which is the piano stool with a small chair pulled up to it, and was so busy working on something she wouldn't let me see. When she was done, she put it all under the tree...
She'd wrapped what she made me all by herself. And she put this with it...
Such a treasure!
What she'd been working so hard on was this bracelet...
Love, love, love that sweet girl!

I've failed to discuss a major event that happened Saturday. What am I thinking?! All we have to say is WAR EAGLE...
Well, two of the three say War Eagle. The youngest one is saying LET ME GO. What a game!
Bethany stayed glued to the TV, but Towns and Cate can't really sit still that long. So I kept them busy making ornaments...
Christmas trees, Santas and owls...
Buggy was concentrating so hard!
There you have one happy Santa and one UNhappy Santa! :)

Monday night we skipped out on all of our usual places to be and opted for the Christmas parade. To say it was freezing would be an understatement, so we watched the parade from the comfy, cozy, warm car. That was until the girls saw Santa coming down the street and hopped out so fast they didn't think to put on their shoes. There they stood with their bare feet to get an up close and personal view. That's when Santa yelled to J, "get some shoes on those kids before they freeze." Gotta love Santa for keeping us in check!
Towns thought it was so cool that she got to wear her PJ's to the parade. But I'm pretty sure she thinks Bebs is even cooler than going out in public in your jammies...
Hope you're soaking up the season...we sure are! Most of our nights are spent "snugged up" on the couch as Wownsy says watching Christmas shows on TV. And we've been known to put on a Christmas concert with everyone singing while I play back up on the piano. Now that's a sight, let me tell you! It all flies by too fast and we can't seem to get enough of it. So again I say...


  1. Merry! Merry! & a BIG WAR EAGLE!!!

  2. Isn't it the perfect weather for snuggling up on the couch and watching Cmas movies?? I plan to do a TON of it this weekend. Oh, and watch our CAM bring home the Heisman! WDE!

  3. I bet if I pulled up our Verizon bill I would find 100 texts between B and me during the first half of that game alone. :) It's so fun now that she's into it.

    Wownsy's such a sweetie. Those kind of gifts are the best. I remember one time B gave me a bubble-gum machine ring. I wore that thing proud!
