Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Six years ago today we were blessed with our sweet little Towns. I'm always wondering where the time has gone, today especially. She can laugh her way out of anything, she can talk us all silly, and she's got the biggest heart of any six year old I know. If anyone is upset about something, she's the one who's going to get a sheet of paper and a crayon and make sure they know just how much she loves them. Her favorite places are church, school, Hobby Lobby, the park, Point Mallard, and the beach. She loves to use her creativity, ride her bike, tumble, play hard, and eat lots of chocolate. She's extremely interested in what it means to ask Jesus into your heart. We've had lots of talks about it lately which is precious time for the two of us. She still tells me I'm her best friend, but deep down I know she's just being kind. Bethany has her heart, and I can't say that I blame her. Since she's got a field trip this morning, we pretended that yesterday was her birthday at school. We took a cookie cake to share with the class, and when it was time for them to sing to her she got the giggles...
Mrs. Lindsay and the (almost) birthday girl...
Mom's turn...
You can sort of see the hint of embarrassment - that's something I'm not ready for with a six year old!
She got six birthday spankings (plus one to grow on) which is a class tradition...
We topped it off with a picnic at the park with friends...
The best part? Today's her real birthday and we have a full day of celebrating ahead of us!
I'm thankful for so much, but being her mom is at the top of the list.
Happy 6th birthday, Townsy! We love you!!


Jennifer Simpson said...

Happy Happy Birthday Towns!! I cannot believe you are SIX!! Love you and your sweet mama so much! XOXO Aunt Jenn

Ginny said...

Happy Birthday Towns! Love you!

Ford Family said...

Happy Birthday, Towns! =)