Thursday, November 17, 2011

Book Report Addict

Know how I always say that Towns is beyond obsessed with school?  Well, it's gotten even worse.  Book reports.  My child was introduced to the world of book reports last week.  We might need to go the intervention route before it's all said and done.  She's only required to do one every month.  Since last Thursday, she's done two.  And the third one is in the works.  All kidding aside, it absolutely thrills my soul that she loves school as much as she does.  Having such an amazing teacher who creates the most fabulous learning environment doesn't hurt the situation either.  Her first book report was so fitting...

She painted one of our pumpkins pink, dressed in pink from head to toe (just like Pinkalicious), and took strawberry cupcakes with pink frosting and pink sprinkles for her class.  Seeing a theme here?
Cate and I walked her in to school that morning because she had more than she could carry.  Mrs. Propst offered to let her go ahead and do her report so I could make use of the big camera in my hand that I took "just in case".  She started out being a little timid, but by the end of it she was taking questions from the class...

 And of course, this review from Mrs. Propst will be on our fridge for a good, long while...

I'm not a proud mom or anything. Ha! I love that she is so excited about her school work.  And I really love helping her with it.  We didn't think twice about driving around the neighborhood at 8:00 the other night to look for fall leaves in shades of red, yellow, orange and brown for her second book report on the book Let It Fall.  This is what I live for!

Now for some serious business.  Do you know what this is?

(Besides a not so great iPhone picture?)
It's a picture of the very last time Bethany I will ever take Bethany to school since she's almost the legal age to drive herself. When she reminded me of that this morning I couldn't decide if I should be excited about that or want to cry a river.  More the latter, I do believe.  Now excuse me while I go prepare for a birthday dinner party, dry my tears, find anxiety medication, and sign papers to buy a car.  Pray for us, won't you?!  I wouldn't exactly call the thoughts of her on the road all by herself comforting.  But she could not possibly be any more excited.  Rightfully so... 


  1. Mary Reese even knows how many days it is until Bethany turns!!!

  2. Mary Reese even knows how many days it is until Bethany turns!!!
