Friday, May 11, 2012

Deep Thoughts

Towns informed me yesterday over frozen yogurt that she had her life figured out.  Deep thinking.  Soul searching. I was intrigued. I didn't have a clue what she was about to say, but I knew it would be good.  And I knew one thing for sure.  It had been planned to the hilt and she'd thought it over a whole lot.  That's just her.  She proceeded to tell me that she knows exactly where she wants to go to college.  I just knew the answer would be Auburn.  Of course it would be.  As much as we talk about it, what other choice is there?  She said, "I'm going to get a degree from Education Connection {as she sang those two words like they're sung on the commercial}.
Wait, what?!
I was a little confused.  I asked her what in the world Education Connection was to see if in fact she even knew.  The response was music to my ears and proved she knew exactly what she was talking about.  "Everyone knows that it's online college, Mommy.  That way I'll never have to leave home!"
Wrap that one up and it's Happy Mother's Day to me!

I know just how to keep Cate here forever, too.  As long as we keep a 4-legged furry friend on hand at all times, she's game.  She's like putty in our hands and their paws...
They absolutely love each other.  They're two peas in a pod.
Wild, a little bit crazy, and two the most loving things I've ever seen in my life.

Happy Mother's Day to all you sweet mamas out there!

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