Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Instagram, Etc.

I've finally jumped on the Instagram bandwagon.  Talk about showing up late to the party.  I didn't know what I was missing!  Bethany turned me on to it and like my friend Darby said the other day, I may never blog again.  The downside to enjoying it so much is that I never pick up my camera anymore.  It's all iPhone pics, all the time.  Maybe when the new wears off of Instagram I'll go back to the Canon.

Things have been pretty laid back here lately.  It's kind of like the girls when it gets really quiet around here.  I know to prepare myself because something is brewing.  This is bound to be the calm before the storm.  For the next two weeks straight there will be some sort of program, field trip, field day, awards day, dress rehearsal, dance recital, etc. and we'll all wonder if our heads are about to spin off of our bodies.  It's a sure sign that the end of the school year is near.  It's usually such a blur that I don't even have time to think about how sad I am that it's all over and done.  I won't get on that soap box right now, but trust me, it's coming.  I can feel it!

The girls and I have had some good ol' quality time together lately which makes me one happy lady.  I'm sure I'm the only mother in the continental United States who's been known to resort to bribery.  I'm fine with it.  I can be easily bribed myself.  Saturday morning I told Towns I'd take her to Cracker Barrel in exchange for her going to gymnastics.  On a pretty morning, it's hard to tear her away from playing outside but she's missed so many classes lately for one reason or another and we've got a ton to make up.  What that baby loves more than anything is fried shrimp with mac and cheese, so to gymnastics we went!  I kept my word and afterwards we hit Cracker Barrel.
When we got there, we saw these feisty things walking down the sidewalk...
The girls couldn't understand why they couldn't catch those ducks to bring home.  Last time I checked, ducks aren't keen on living in a house and being treated like they're a kitten.  The funny part is that they were sure they'd just stopped by for lunch and I wasn't about to convince them otherwise!
Since we had no place to be, I gave the girls a lesson in checkers for a while...
A trip to the park was next on the agenda..
Have I mentioned she's a preschool drop-out?  God love her.  She loved her class and her teachers, and I loved a chance to get things accomplished while knowing she was in good hands.  But I've finally come to terms with the fact that she's happiest when she's at home right up under yours truly.  J has been telling me that for months.  So I gave in and she's been as snug as a bug at home with me ever since.  I get next to nothing done around here, that's for sure.  It's worth it.  She's my baby and she's only young once.  To be honest, I don't feel nearly as guilty as I know should.
We'll pick back up with 4K next school year, so it's all good!
Of course, we couldn't let the afternoon get by us without seeing how Bebs was faring at work...
We took her a cherry limeade from Sonic which was just a good excuse for us to drop by.  The girls decided they wanted to play an impromptu round of putt-putt.  I couldn't say no to that, naturally!

I told you it was coming.  Don't say I didn't warn you!  One of the reasons I'm not ready for the school year to end is because it's definitely going to be hard to say goodbye to Mrs. Propst.  I've said it a million times, and I'll say it again...she's beyond wonderful in every way imaginable.  Yesterday she took Towns and Emma with her for a little play date after school for finally reaching their goal for AR points.  They went to Zen Beri, Hobby Lobby, and then back to her house.  If you know my child, you are aware that there's nothing in the world she'd rather do.  And no one else she'd rather go with other than her precious teacher!  When I went to pick her up yesterday afternoon she informed me that she wasn't ready and needed to stay an hour or two longer.  I have no doubt that Mrs. Propst would have let her had I agreed to it.  I almost told her to keep her for the night and I'd just pick her up after school today.  That would have been the definition of wearing out our welcome, though!
They had a ball running through her gorgeous flower garden which led to a group shot...
Love the wad of bubble gum in blondie's cheek?!
We stood in the drive way talking for a while which is what happens when you put us all together.  Then out of nowhere J came riding up on Towns' pink scooter.  That's the beauty of living two streets over.  He knew she'd been dying to show it Mrs. Propst and she wasted no time doing just that...
It still nearly gives me a heart attack to see the two of them on that thing!

We should be at the Birmingham Zoo right now for a field trip had the rain not ruined it for us.  Towns burst into tears when I got that automated phone call at 7:30 this morning informing us it had been cancelled.  She screamed field trip from head to toe (including the backpack on her back filled with things fun things to do on the bus) and had been looking forward to it for weeks.  I assured her it would be rescheduled and that a trip to the zoo in the rain would be no fun for anyone.  She went on to school sporting her field trip shirt and puffy red eyes from crying so hard.  Don't even think we didn't stop at McDonald's for a sweet tea to take to school with her.  For a southern girl, sweet tea makes everything better!  Cate wasn't happy about not getting to go to the zoo either.
So it's nothing but me, Buggy, board games and a baton today while we watch it pour down outside...
If you can't go to the zoo, might as well live in one!

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