Friday, May 4, 2012

Spring Break & A Working Girl

Our Spring Break last week has to go down in history as the most uneventful week we could have possibly had.  And for that, I'm thankful!  It's just what we needed and wanted.  We'd almost forgotten what a week of being at home with no commitments, lessons, classes, etc. was like.  It gave us a little taste of summer which might have been dangerous for a mom who's ready to give the roads a rest.  Seems like we burn 'em up during the school year.  Can anyone relate?!  After last week, I might close up shop, forget the last 3 weeks of school, and head to the beach 'til mid-August.  I'm kidding, I'm kidding...

One day last week we ventured to Bridge Street for an appointment at the Apple store.  I've been through enough iPhones to know that the last one I bought was going in an Otter Box the minute it was purchased and wasn't coming out for love nor money.  I opted for the smaller, less bulky case which was fine and dandy until I dropped it face down on the concrete shattering the screen beyond belief...something the smaller Otter Box doesn't really protect.  I'd almost gone a full year without any catastrophes, so it was bound to happen eventually.  I could live with a cracked screen had it not been impossible to read emails or really even tell what time it was.  It was that bad.  And being that my phone is my life line to my business, well, that's a problem.  I ended up telling them to forget me paying an arm and a leg to get their screen.  I knew I could get it fixed cheaper here in town which is just what I did.  The irony?  Less than two hours after I got the new screen, it fell out of my hand (as I was trying to help Towns in a hula hoop contest, no less) and cracked again.  Surprising?  Hardly.  I wanted to cry.  The good news is that I can still see everything perfectly fine, so until it bothers me bad enough I'll live with it.  All that to say we made a few of our favorite stops while we were at Bridge Street so the trip wouldn't be a complete waste of time...
I think those two could take up residence at the cookie store if it were allowed.  They were not happy that the lady inside was late opening the doors.  When cookies are on the line, they mean business!  I persuaded them to join me at the fountain to make a few wishes while we waited...
Blondie's nothing if not barefoot...
Tuesday night at Ben Davis Open House she shed her shoes and ran around the school without them.  I wanted to dig a hole and crawl in it...only to come out to sanitize those feet.  Heaven help me.
One penny wasn't enough for Cate...
I caught her digging through my wallet looking for more!  And she sure did ask if her wish would come true if she threw in a check card since it was obviously worth more than a penny.
I think Towns was excited about making a birthday wish since her big day was the next day...
After they'd drained my coin purse dry, we got our cookies and called it a morning.

Next up?  A trip to see our favorite new working girl and throw a little business her way!  Bethany totally and completely wowed us when she went out and found a job all on her own.  Huge thanks to my friend Stephanie for giving her not one, but two jobs in one day!  She's now a part time employee of Eloise & Henry and Funland Mini Golf.  She struck gold when it comes to a teenager working in Decatur.  It just doesn't get much better than that!  She was looking ever so cute and ready for her 8 hour work day, let me tell you.  And the girls absolutely could not wait to get there and see their Bebby at her new job!  I'm not going to try to act like I didn't have a little tear in my eye seeing her behind that counter.  Can't believe she's old enough to have her very own job.  Goodness!
We handed over our cash for a round of 18 holes and got down to business...

 It was extremely windy that day...can you tell?!
Everything with those two is an adventure, and putt-putt was no different. This was both girls' first time to play.  Towns surprised me and got most every hole knocked out in 2 strokes.  Cate didn't like that very much, and after her 2+ attempts to get the ball in each hole, this is what she did...

She picked her ball up and would throw it as hard as she could at whoever or whatever.  We had to have a talk about it being all in fun and not something that should be taken so seriously.
She's something else!
They had me in stitches the whole time.  Not sure what this one is about, but after I'd collected balls, putters, score sheets, pencils, drinks, shoes, sunglasses and purses from the previous hole this is how I found them...
So much for their nice white tops!
That's also the hole where Cate was determined to find out just how the ball got to the other side...
Once she understood how it worked, they spent the rest of the time making up their own tricky obstacles...
I didn't want to embarrass Bethany, so I didn't ask her for a picture behind the counter.  But I did manage to get her in the background of this one on the sly as the girls celebrated victory on the last hole...

She's so cool in her Ray Bans and Funland shirt...I think she sort of likes the working world!
And we couldn't be more proud of her!

Happy Friday, y'all!

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