Friday morning kicked off a weekend full of fun and sweet memories. A couple of weeks ago, I got an invitation to a Mother's Day Tea put on by the kindergarten class. I'd heard from moms who've had children come through the program already that I'd be wise to have tissue in hand, but I just knew I'd be fine. Friday morning rolled around and it was a different story. It hit me that there's only a couple of weeks left of Towns' kindergarten year, and it was water works from then on. When I arrived, I was greeted at the door of the Heritage Room at church by my sweet little Townsy who gave me a corsage made from tracing her hand on construction paper. She took me by the hand and asked where I'd like to sit. Then she asked if she could bring me a plate of delicious food and something to sip on. She was quite the hostess. I could tell Mrs. Pace and Mrs. Lindsay had coached them all really well!
Once we finished our lunch, each child was called to the podium to read the poem written about their mom. I was so impressed that everyone got up and recited their poems without a single hesitation. When Towns was called up, she didn't miss a beat reciting "My Mom" that she'd written and illustrated for me...
After the poems were read (some of which were pretty funny), the kids lined up to sing three songs about why they love their moms...
My favorite part of the tea came next. The kids filled in the blanks of a questionnaire that asked questions about their mom. From hearing these answers, we all had to guess which mommy it described. You can imagine that we all held our breath a little. This is where it really got funny and very telling because kids this age are extremely honest. Thankfully, none of the answers about me were too terribly embarrassing. I'm the only with red hair and blue eyes (which is the part the teachers read first), so that gave it away immediately. She got the hair, eyes and age right but said that I was 30 feet tall and weigh 20 pounds. Hey, I'll take it! It was better than being 96 years old and 520 pounds like some of them put. Towns said that my favorite show is The Royal Wedding (so true, and better than hearing Desperate Housewives and General Hospital as some said), I'm as pretty as a pumpkin (her holiday obsession was kicking in), she wouldn't trade me for a brownie (that's the chocaholic in her), she knows I'm happy when I tickle her, that I'm upset when I make a face, and that our favorite thing to do together is ride bikes and go to the park. So sweet!
When it was over, all the kindergarten girls wanted a picture together...
It was such a precious time together, and I was reminded of just how blessed I am to be a mom...
Cate didn't leave school empty handed Friday...
Saturday morning we were at Monsters bright and early for Towns' All-Star cheer try outs. Thanks to her Bebby's teachings, she was prepared. I'm glad Bethany knows the ropes, because when they start talking about bows and arrows I think they're getting ready to go hunting.
The cheerleader and her mom...
Saturday night the girls insisted on having a pre-Mother's Day dinner party. They got dolled up, then proceeded to pick out an outfit for me complete with their hair and make-up services. I looked like I'd just been hazed and initiated into the Ringling Brothers road show, but it was fun. I did convince them to let me cook instead of leaving it up to them. J and I decided on my friend Darby's trusty recipe...
Sunday morning brought several more home made Mother's Day cards which I absolutely adore. I'd pick something made by my children over something store bought any day. Unless it's a new Judith March dress, and then that's a different story. Ha!
After church we attempted an "official" Mother's Day picture. Cate was determined to make a mockery of the whole thing. I lost it when I looked back at my pictures and saw this one reminding her of exactly why she needed to cooperate...
It got her attention and she surely didn't mind going along with it after that...
The afternoon brought 4-wheeler riding for Towns which left Cate-Cate and me on our own...
It was a perfect end to a perfect weekend! The only thing that could have made it better would have been J and me seeing our moms. What special women they are!!
One more thing just because it's a flashback to elementary school for me. I don't know about you, but I distinctly remember being on the phone with friends at night planning to wear matching outfits the next day to school. It went a little something like this, "wear your blue Duckheads with your pink Hypercolor shirt so we can match." Tell me I'm not the only one?!
I got a kick out of the text I got this morning from Emma's mom saying that Emma was driving her crazy about asking if Towns could wear her banana split BFF shirt to school so they'd match...
Hope all you mamas out there had a great Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day!! What beautiful girls you have!!!
I love this post and love you!
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