I've attempted to finish this post several times and for some reason just can't get it done. I'm pretty sure it's because I can't wrap my head around the fact that my baby girl is three. If I bury my head in the sand long enough, obviously she'll still be a little bitty thing like I remember her being and won't really be so big. At some point I'll have to accept it, and maybe that time is now.
If I must, I must...
When the birthday girl arose from her slumber, we took her straight to the kitchen where we had a little surprise waiting for her...
She asked for a bagel, strawberries and marsh mellows for breakfast so that's just what she got.
The princess on her throne...
Time to sing to her and blow out the THREE candles...
She still thinks it's funny when we sing to her, and usually she sings right along with us...
All three candles out in one try...
I love how Bethany still gets into it and makes the girls feels so special...
With her baby in hand, it was time to head to school...
She was dying to get there in a hurry for one reason alone...
Cupcakes and a party!!
Cate and Brock...
It was red day in her class, but when you're a girly girl like Cate Bug you don't have time for red on your birthday. Ha!
I always have a hard time sending the girls to school on their birthday. I've never told you this before, but I'm a tad bit sentimental. KIDDING! How many times have you heard that?! It kills me not to spend every minute of their big day with them, but I know how much they love being with their friends at school and having a party. So we baked some mini cupcakes and I let her party with her class.
After Grandparents Day was over, we immediately went to pick her up a little early.
Why, you ask?
The flag says it all...

We had lots of celebrating to do, Buggy style.
Which meant two things...
1. Ballet attire

2. Babies and more babies

The weather was perfect and it was way too gorgeous not to be outside. So we parked it on the porch until it was time for Bebby's pep rally.
Afterwards, we played and played some more. And just about the time the birthday girl could have crashed, the genius parents that we are (insert sarcasm) announced that a trip to Chuck E. Cheese would be a fabulous way to round out Cate's big day...

Who could pass that up?! We loaded up on tokens just to be able to win a few Tootsie Rolls from the prize counter, but that's the name of the game. Whatever makes her happy! :)
Thankfully, all the action and sugar didn't keep her up too late that night. Her birthday party was the next day and she needed her beauty rest!
To be continued...
I always have a hard time sending the girls to school on their birthday. I've never told you this before, but I'm a tad bit sentimental. KIDDING! How many times have you heard that?! It kills me not to spend every minute of their big day with them, but I know how much they love being with their friends at school and having a party. So we baked some mini cupcakes and I let her party with her class.
After Grandparents Day was over, we immediately went to pick her up a little early.
Why, you ask?
The flag says it all...
We had lots of celebrating to do, Buggy style.
Which meant two things...
1. Ballet attire
2. Babies and more babies
The weather was perfect and it was way too gorgeous not to be outside. So we parked it on the porch until it was time for Bebby's pep rally.
Afterwards, we played and played some more. And just about the time the birthday girl could have crashed, the genius parents that we are (insert sarcasm) announced that a trip to Chuck E. Cheese would be a fabulous way to round out Cate's big day...
Who could pass that up?! We loaded up on tokens just to be able to win a few Tootsie Rolls from the prize counter, but that's the name of the game. Whatever makes her happy! :)
Thankfully, all the action and sugar didn't keep her up too late that night. Her birthday party was the next day and she needed her beauty rest!
To be continued...
1 comment:
"To be continued..."
Ok, ready for Part 2. Come on with it. :)
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