See that crib? That crib was what my cousin Mary Catherine slept in when she was a baby. When Towns was on the way, my aunt so generously asked if we'd like to use her baby furniture. We said absolutely, and have had it ever since. It's what Towns slept in until Cate came along. And it's what Cate has slept in until about a week ago. I honestly thought she'd be waking up in it on the first day of kindergarten. She's the independent type in lots of ways, and sleep is no different. She's always wanted to be right by herself with no one in her space. The crib with its rails ensured that no one could bother her! We've talked a lot over the last year about letting her sleep in a big girl bed and she's wanted no part of it. But having Towns coming into our room every night because she doesn't want to sleep by herself wasn't working, and we had to have a solution. Fast! One night last week after the little ones were asleep, we put them both in the same bed and it was like magic. They both slept all night long! Apparently Cate's over needing her space, which means blondie has a new bed fellow. Hallelujah!! Since we're getting ready to take the crib down for good, I told Cate I had to take a picture of her in it one last time. That's when she decided that she knew a few babies who might like to give it a try before it was too late...

She was so attentive and made sure they had everything they needed...

She's probably eying that doll's paci and thinking about how much she misses hers. That's another thing she's given up in the last week or so. But I have J to thank for that one. He told her that her paci was going to make her teeth fall out and she wouldn't be able to talk if that happened. I nearly fell out of my chair when he told me about it. So much for honesty!! If you know Cate, you know that being speechless would be a problem. Those teeth are a bit of a necessity...

Sweet baby...who's not really a baby anymore!
She had to see for herself that her teeth hadn't fallen out...

She's still got her "toofs"...thank goodness!
One more that I love...

The girls and I do this thing where we'll say "I love you a million times all the ____ in the world" which is pretty sweet and funny at the same time. Cate can come up with some doozies! She got stuck on pink tree houses and horsies for at least a month straight. What makes me smile is when she gets done with telling me, she'll laugh and say "is that a lot?". In the picture above, she's telling her baby that she loves her "all da million times da pumpkin patches in da way-ld" (that's how she says world) which I fully believe is true. Last night, Towns topped it all when she told me she loved me a million times all the
owls in the world. Oh, she knows me well!
1 comment:
I am SO glad you found a solution for the girls' sleeping arrangements! We have been right there with you with sleeping challenges lately so I feel your pain! I'm afraid E will be coming in our room every night just like Towns until G is old enough to sleep with her!
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