Friday afternoon marked what would be Bethany's last pep rally of the football season. Decatur lost in the first round of the play-offs that night, but no one can argue their regular season was pretty amazing. I loved seeing the 9th grade cheerleaders in their long sleeve uniforms for this pep rally...

Usually they've dressed up according to the theme of the week, so this was a nice change!
These two were super excited that they somewhat matched their Bebby...

They were in awe of everything more so than usual for some reason...

I mean, it
does look like fun so I can understand the intrigue!

The girls were all in an exceptionally good mood for picture taking, so we seized the moment...

Love these three to pieces!

Friday afternoon B layered herself up to get ready for the big game, and looked as cute as ever...

She spent most of the weekend on the go doing the typical teenager thing!
Saturday after a two hour gymnastics session for both Bebby and Towns, the two little ones surprised us all when they decided to help J do some work under the house. I wish you could see what he had them wearing. What made me laugh most is when he put glow bracelets around their arms so he could keep up with them in the dark. Towns is showing me hers here...

Cate was excited about doing "man's work"...

B and I took advantage of everyone being confined in the crawl space of the house and set out in search of an outfit for her to wear to JUG's Fall Party that night. We didn't have much luck. I love that B has her own taste and style, and that she wouldn't just settle for any outfit. It had to be "the outfit". Too bad we didn't find that outfit. In situations like that, it's necessary to have a back-up. I think her back-up would have been my first choice, but then again she's way more stylish than me...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

Sunday morning when we woke her up for church, she could barely move her legs. They were so sore from hitting the dance floor (and from her gymnastics class). It reminded me a little bit, ok a
lot, of my life from 1998-2002. You Auburn girls know what I'm talking about. I couldn't help but tell her how proud I was. Ha! The only thing missing was a drumstick, but we'll work on that.
While B was dancing the night away, J took the rest of us to the arena cross event at the indoor arena in town. I have to admit that I wasn't super thrilled about it, given the fact that the girls could have been in bed by 6 p.m. because they were just that tired. Another minor detail: there's no heat inside the arena so we had to have ten layers of clothing. I think Towns went for one reason, and one reason alone. Nachos. You can take her anywhere and she'll be happy as long as they have a concession stand. J had been overly excited about taking us, so we bundled up, put a smile on our faces, and decided we didn't mind smelling like exhaust fumes if it made him happy!

Cate loved it while it lasted, but didn't make it very long. How she fell asleep with all the noise, I'll never know...

One chick who wasn't missing a beat was this one...

She was bright eyed the entire time, and once she saw this she knew exactly what she was putting on her Christmas list...

She's convinced she wants a motorcycle - a green one with a pink motocross outfit to be exact. This made J ecstatic, but the truth is that he doesn't want his girls following in his footsteps. We know all too well about motocross induced injuries at our house. We ended up having a blast, and J has already has an endless list of races he wants to take me to (so I can watch him race if I had to guess). His wheels are always turning...pun intended!
We weren't clear on how serious Towns is about wanting to race motocross until she put J's jersey on when we got home and insisted she sleep in it...

I don't know how we'd fit one more hobby, sport, extra curricular, etc. into our schedule, though. And we reminded her that you have to know how to ride a bike without training wheels before a motorcycle can even come into the picture. God love her...
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