After Saturday night's fiasco, we weren't being tricked again...
Last night it was all about the treats! Granted, the girls had already dressed up and gotten candy twice before (here and here), but it wasn't the door to door trick-or-treating we all know and love. Don't misunderstand me, we're not greedy and out to see how much candy we can hoard. Truth be told, most of it mysteriously disappears before they know what's going on. It's just about the experience. Last year Cate didn't fully grasp the concept of trick-or-treating, so this year I just knew it was going to be so much fun. If I knew our little Buggy, she would be all over it. And all over it, she was. She'd still be ringing doorbells this morning if she had her way about it! Usually J has a truck as a company car and we'll hop in the back so he can chauffeur us around the neighborhood. But he's got an SUV right now and we had to make do...

It served the same purpose!
This is always the first house we start at in the neighborhood, and this year J thought the girls should go to the doors themselves...
Cate had to have a lesson in not reaching for a handful of candy which is what she started out doing. She meant business. We had to teach her that the polite way to do it was to hold out your pumpkin and wait for the candy to be dropped in. I think she liked her method much better, but she went with ours. There were a few houses that were a little scary, and sweet Bebby took charge in those circumstances and went with them...
They don't come much sweeter!
Towns surprised me this year and went with J into a haunted maze someone had set up beside their house. Cate went too, but I'm pretty sure she had her eyes closed the entire time. B said she'd go if I went, but there was no way that was happening! How did I end up being the biggest sissy in the bunch?!
I love trick-or-treating in our neighborhood because everyone really gets into it. Most every house you go to is like this...
People sitting out on the porch waiting for kids to come up. It's sort of like one big block party, and you'll see everyone you know before the night is over. Love it!
B shared a ton of glow bracelets with the girls before we left the house, and I made them both wear several on each arm so I could keep up with them. By the end of the night, Towns and her smart daddy had found a new use for them...
They're so resourceful. Apparently glow bracelets light up a pumpkin filled with candy really well. Which makes it much easier to find the candy you're looking for and much harder for a mama to keep up with her children in the dark...
Blurry picture, but you get the idea!
A couple more pictures for good measure...

And that officially wraps up our Halloween!
Hope yours was full of treats, too!
Now it's time to get a fire going in the fireplace (despite 70 degree weather) and turn up the Christmas music...'tis the season!
This is always the first house we start at in the neighborhood, and this year J thought the girls should go to the doors themselves...
I love trick-or-treating in our neighborhood because everyone really gets into it. Most every house you go to is like this...
B shared a ton of glow bracelets with the girls before we left the house, and I made them both wear several on each arm so I could keep up with them. By the end of the night, Towns and her smart daddy had found a new use for them...
A couple more pictures for good measure...
Hope yours was full of treats, too!
Now it's time to get a fire going in the fireplace (despite 70 degree weather) and turn up the Christmas music...'tis the season!
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