The same day we brought a little 5 lb. Cate home from the hospital was the day I realized I was going to go crazy if we stayed in the house a second longer. I'd been confined to a hospital for a few days and couldn't take being indoors one more second! About an hour after we were home, Towns and I were at the grocery store buying something to cook for dinner. No exaggeration. I remember it like it was yesterday. And even after that, we still had to find something else to do. So we put Cate in the stroller and took off down the street for a walk. That's when we found these gems (they'd fallen off a tree in a neighbor's yard) that double as a bowling ball when there are storm drains close by...
In this one Cate's telling me she can't get hers to go...
We figured out the problem before a major meltdown ensued...thank goodness!
The problem with them riding and me walking is that I can't hoof it as fast as they can drive. So I end up huffing and puffing my way down the sidewalk in a silly attempt to keep up. It's rather embarrassing, but what else is new? I need one of those things mall cops ride around on. There's a thought!
Back to bowling...
Once we've gathered an ample supply of the green things (anyone know what they are?), we proceed to stand in the middle of the street and try to roll them into the gutter for points...
Cate usually goes about it like this...
Is this not the most ridiculous thing you've ever seen?
I'm well aware that it is, but they love it!
Speaking of shoes...
Remember those pink boots that I caved over? I just knew that it was the biggest waste of money and that we'd never get any use out of them. Turns out I was wrong! Bethany doesn't wear hers all that much, which is understandable. But these two live in theirs...
Now that's our kind of creativity! :)
And I am still laughing at the thought of you on a mall cop scooter.
Hey TT! Y'all are cute!
Those are hedgeapples. We played with them at my Grandmother's house. :) Y'all enjoy that North Alabama stuff for us too!
We used to have a tree in our backyard that produced those "green balls"....I was told they were crabapples! My dogs loved playing fetch with them, but I love the bowling idea, too:)
Ok, ask Kristin about those things, they use them in arrangements this time of year. I think they are so cool. She may appreciate a tip on where to find them, if your neighbors don't mind of course:)
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