Friday afternoon kicked off a jam-packed weekend. One of those weekends where you try to cram as much into 48 hours as you possibly can. That was ours! Friday afternoon after school, we went to the pep rally to watch Bethany sport her daddy's #22 football jersey from Morgan Academy. Since they got to dress up for Halloween, she and her friend Madeline decided to be football players. Grandmommy ever so kindly mailed J's high school jerseys for her to wear. I'm not sure who was more excited about them arriving on our doorstep...Bebby or her father!

I wish I could have gotten better pictures, but she did her daddy proud!

After the pep rally, I surprised the little ones with a two hour park trip...

Where this one tried every unconventional way under the sun to swing...

And where this one just wanted to show her babies a good time...

She was up to something in this one and was checking to see if I was keeping tabs on her...

Climbing up the slide instead of sliding down it!
So we had a lesson to remind her of how to do it the right way (aka - how to do it so you won't get in trouble at school)...

It turned into this...

I gave up.
They were following the "up the stairs, down the slide" rule (as opposed to the other way around), so I let them be. They found a friend to play with while we were there. I'm pretty sure her outfit is what really drew them to her...

I was a bit envious myself!
Saturday was pretty perfect and we thought we were going to round it out by doing a little trick-or-treating. Am I crazy or did Decatur not decide you could go any night this weekend?! I didn't feel so good about going on a Sunday night, and just knew the streets would be packed with trick-or-treaters Saturday night since I'd talked to tons of friends who felt the same way. We'd played it up big time. The girls were beyond excited.
They were dressed and ready at least two hours ahead of schedule...

So early, in fact, that Buggy had time to bust her lip as she was trying to swing Towns on the front porch
and pinch her finger until it was black and blue on the plantation shutters. We were ready so early that it made no difference that the painted black dots on her face were smeared to smithereens. There was
plenty of time to do her up again...

And then the unthinkable happened. We got everyone loaded in the car, rode around for a few minutes looking for at least
one other trick-or-treating family in our neighborhood who had the same idea we had, but nothing. Surely this couldn't be happening. Two girls in the back seat begging us to let them out so they could go ring a doorbell, and still nothing. J and I were eying each other and in code trying to figure out what in the world we were going to do. The owl and the bumble bee in the backseat were onto us, though, and that's when the tears started flowing freely. Stupid me said "I've got an even better plan than going door to door for candy. We'll go trick-or-treating at TARGET and you can have your pick of anything and everything you want in the candy aisle." Genius. It wasn't one of my brightest ideas or finest moments, but it made them happy. And after they've just had their hearts stomped on by anti trick-or-treaters it was the only thing quick I could come up with. For some reason "let's just go home and try it again on Halloween night" didn't enter my brain. Call me a pushover. I'm fine with it. If you would have heard Towns asking "isn't there
anybody that will give us candy?" in the most pitiful voice ever, you would have done the same thing...

We spent the rest of our night watching the second half of the Auburn game while we made this...

Which was better than trick-or-treating on a dumb Saturday night anyway.
This morning after church we spent a little time in the rocking chairs at Cracker Barrel...

Before we had cheer practice and an afternoon baking session...

We're hitting the sidewalks hard tonight because if I have anything to do with it, the five of us are knocking on a door or two. Some how, some way!
Happy Halloween!
I was so afraid that exact thing would happen to us. All of Wetumpka was supposed to be Saturday but some Nazi HOA in a neighborhood down the road from us decided they would trick-or-treat Sunday. Thankfully our neighborhood stuck with Saturday. And I would say bless their hearts but I do believe it's a win-win for the little owl and bumble bee.
Well, regardless of the drama those are two of the cutest costumes EVER! LOVE the owl! I hate how much drama this Halloween has caused being on a SUNDAY! Ugh!
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